
Firefox Facts
"Give the FireShot extension another shot. It is the perfect compainion for anybody who works with screen grabs a lot."
WorldStart - Computer Tips, Software and More
"FireShot is definitely one of my favorite new programs. FireShot comes with a full set of editing and annotation tools so that you can capture exactly what you want from every Web page you go to. For example, you can modify the screenshots you take with the cropping, sharpening, etc. tools, but then you can go on and insert text or even add graphical annotations to your images. These new features are perfect for anyone who may be designing their own Web page or just anyone who wants to try something different. I don't know of any other screenshot programs that allow you to do this kind of stuff. It's wonderful! It really is a neat little program and it definitely brings something new and exciting to the table. Check it out today!" software archive
"FireShot is a handy and affordable extension. The latest version of FireShot also enables you to upload your screenshots to the program server for easy sharing and posting on forums, blogs or anywhere else on the Internet. All you need to do is to select the �Upload� item in the context menu and wait for several seconds while the software uploads the file. You will then see a web page with generated image tags that can be immediately used for sharing the image. All active bloggers and forum members will definitely appreciate the amazing simplicity and practical efficiency of this feature! An indispensible tool for anyone often dealing with website screenshots, FireShot will show you that creating dozens of high-quality screenshots for your new article can be super-fast and as simple as 1-2-3!"
"FireShot has a definite advantage over other web page capture extensions. In addition, designers will absolutely love FireShot when they need to add entire web pages to their portfolio or for creating annotations when talking to users about a test site they built and want to jot down notes regarding the web page"
Download Squad
"What really sets FireShot apart, though, is the integrated upload feature. Select it, and you can resize your image on-the-fly and post it to FireShot's free image hosting repository with minimal effort. If there's one feature that helps sell a piece of software to us, it's how much time and effort we can save by using. FireShot makes putting browser screencap online so easy we almost feel lazy doing it. Almost."



Olivier M
Changed my life at work, as I'm writing documents with a lot of screen shots... Croping, anonymizing in one click or almost. The most user-friendly screenshooting tool I know.
Debra Little
I love my Fire Shot! I can't be without it. I am a theme designer and. for me, Fire Shot is a must have add on. I absolutely love it. For awhile I was opening my screen shots in Windows Paint because Windows Picture and Fax viewer did not give me a good enough view of my themes. I have just discovered that it's even better in the Fire Shot editor and it opens and saves much quicker that way too. Thanks a million. Big Hugz to whoever created this beauty!
Becky Bowman
I use FireShot every single day. I teach high school students and they are required to send me their homework over the Internet. If they can't figure out how to send a file, click, I use FireShot and can show them exactly what to do. I crop and edit the picture and send it off. I love this product and have not had one problem with it.
Brian Gilbert
FireShot is an awesome extension I've found it extremely useful when creating user documentation for new features I add when doing web development.
Ian Carter
A must have tool for UI designers and screen design debugging / feature description.
Ruerd Heeg
Very good tool. I am going to use this tool a lot. It can be used for annotating existing images in browser screens, which I do frequently. The editing functions of this tool are simple and very easy to use compared to other painting tools. The editing functions are just what I need and nothing more. Because the editing is so simple I think I will save time using this tool.
Solomon Walker
FANTASTIC!! I love this capture ware! Honestly, I have tried dozens of screen capture tools, and hadn't found one which lived up their lofty claims. FireShot did not make any wild claims, but it certainly should, cause it has performed brilliantly! It's flawless, never crashes and simple to use. The editing features should be the envy of all the other developers! Highly recommended.
Malcolm Johnson
A superb time-saver. I make a lot of help and user-guide documents for the owners of web sites I develop, and this excellent little tool does precisely what I need. Excellent!
Nathan Gray
This tool is wonderful. I am more efficient, and able present issues to different groups at work with better accuracy. Thanks!
Tim TenClay
I LOVE this extension! I almost never print out recipes, receipts, e-mails or anything off the web - I just click on the button and save the site to my computer. I almost switched to a new browser but decided not to because it didn't have FireShot!
Maciej Glowacki
Great addon. It's so fast to take screenshots using it. Thank you for developing it :)
Veera R
An excellent addon. It is so much easier to take screenshots of whatever you like on the webpages and edit them at your will. A must have addon for everyone :)
Uno Wild
This is one of those "I can't live without" programs. Works great and has save me on more than one occasion. Well worth the look.
Chris Earle
use this thing all the time to take sweet screenshots of full webpages ... simply does a quick job and produces great WYSIWYG images of web pages
Red Pace
Fireshot is SWEET. One of my top add-ons. I enjoy being able to save receipts and page shots without forwarding by email. Quick, Easy, Versatile.
Jessica Marie
This is a great program!! I do wish it would work off-site but I love it.. 5 for sure
This addon is simply the great
Rennard Dubois
Thank you for this add on. So far its meeting all my expectations to get an acurate screenshot. And editing it if needs be.
Al Geddis
Super Capture. Great add on! Simple and intuitive. Had a minor problem and posted on FireShot support forum. Got a quick and easy answer in no time.
Nestor Rybczuk
One word "FANTASTIC"
Maikeru Sazushima
The people behind this project and product deserve a thousand kudos... As a writer and researcher...This really rocks...
Frank Gonzales
Hale FireFox!!! my mentor is a very powerful teacher and recommened this program.
Jean Notte
Great piece of software. Performs as promised.
Mark Thomason
Easy to use and complete. The peeps that developed Fireshot knew what they were doing: the product is very easy to use and setup, and it has lots of features which should make anyone needing to make a screenshot happy.
Bob Riordan
Amazing tool to take snapshots of any page or anything you want on any page...Absolutely love it...Easy to use...
Mick Cave
Works flawlessly - I need that add-on to save the design of web-sites almost daily.
Mark Thomas
Great program! I use this program almost everyday, and I absolutely love it. It's super convenient, and I love that it gives me the option to use an outside editor.
Tushar Boyed
Very Good. Its really very's something for which i would have paid for...this is one of my favorite mush that i can do it with this.
Ayub Khan
Easy and very much helpful.
Soden Man
2 gud, this addon made my life way easier. One of the most helpful addons ever.
Will Will
PERFECT!! Been using 'Peal Crescent page saver' for a couple of weeks until I found this program. This one kicks arse. It even comes with it's own edit program! Unbelievable. Very nice job indeed.
Arindam Mitra
Absolutely Useful! One of the most practical add-on I have ever seen! Brilliant idea, superb execution. Simple and beautiful :-)Firefox rocks, add-ons like FireShot makes it deep!
Alain Le Bris, TrabzonSport
I've been looking for the "Capture entire page" feature (not only what my screen displays), I've finally got it :)
Iggy Fergusson
Handy and Convenient. Fireshot captures what is within your web-browser -- not your entire screen! don't have to close all your tabs just to make a shot. The annotation feature is helpful, and also the ability to save in various formats. This is a life-saver.
Omar Palomino Sandoval
Very practical and reaty-to-use tool for document your development and testing. It's the end of the copy-paste-to-power-point "documentation".
Chris Hinkley
This is one of the most incredible, PRACTICAL dev tools I've found.
Nikola Milutinovic
Just what you need.
Beau Langer
Really great. The best I've tried. Useful. No problems.
Mip Map
Thx a lot for creating this screengrab utility. Comes in very handy, as I regularly create How-To pages. I often drag existing pictures into FF because Blur/Crop/... features are just a few mouse clicks away. Great time saving utility!
Brendon Macaraeg
Does everything I need: capture, crop, add annotations and saves in JPEG and PNG. A most excellent add-on for those of us who need to share screen captures quickly with peers and co-workers. Excellent screen capture app
Luis Mendes
Quick, quick. Absolutely great this little tool. In a few seconds I get my screen shots without having to open any other application.
I have new name for this great add-ons "good bye print to file or print to pdf". Thank you very very much.
Colin Main
I installed this and SnagIt at the same time. This is the FAR better product - it's just a shame it is limited to Firefox! The ability to edit in the internal editor before saving is excellent too. Ideal for development workshops with the rest of the business!
J Delaney
Fantastic. Tried it on a few different sites and as yet no crashes. Works really well. Everything I was looking for in a screen capture add-on and more. Thanks.
I would call FireShot one of the best things since sliced bread.
john guiang
Like the other comments, I also dont usually write reviews for software downloads but this one really deserves a big round of applause.
Nahuel F
INCREDIBLE. This is the best add-on ever. It has so many functions and things you can do. It's really useful when I have to send screens to my customers for things to see on my website. Hats off for the ones that created it.
Art Nagy
A QualityTimesaver. I am not the kind of person who places comments all over the web, but after having used Fireshot I came back to this page to do just that. Because what a great tool this is! I am sure many web developers will agree that this is a "must have". It will save me so much time in communicating with clients. It would be an understatement to say that this add-on "serves the purpose". Thank you very much for investing time in developing FireShot!
Jim Bonds
Superb! What can you say, it is superb for what it does. Well thought out also, with options to save,edit and even transfer to clipboard or 3rd party program! A most excellent job guys!
One of the most useful extensions I've come across - in all my years of using Firefox! As a web developer, I often need to annotate layout problems with fledgling sites. This extension has so many features and is beautifully simple to use. Well done!!!
Ashutosh D
I have hardly used this tool yet. I just took a screenshot and love the tools that come along with the add-on. Makes it so much easier. I do not need to search for or use any other image-editing software to make those labels/call-outs. Initially, i took ages to figure out Photoshop to create boxes. I had to resort to MSPaint *yuck*. Now this eases the pain. Plus it takes a full screen snapshot. Excellent!
Icedrake Z
I would give this add-on a rating of 100 if I could because this add-on totally 100% rocks! Now it's so easy to edit, take pictures. Once again, THIS ADD-ON IS AWESOME!!!
Jhuni Bernier
A very useful time saver! This particular add-on has been a very useful time saver for me. Whenever a design website template I always have to take a screen shot of it and with this it is so much easier.
Paul Gill
Just been shown this by someone at work. Amazing and neat screen capture app. Will save me lots of time. Love it - thanks.
MaryLou W
Very Useful!! This has to be the most useful plugin ever! It's so easy to clip what I want from a screen, add comments or arrows (with choice of colors!) to the screen, then push a button to send it via email. I can also save the clip to disk. Since I provide a lot of on-line support to beginners, this is the perfect tool for me.
Terry Wardley
A great Add-On! I do a lot of Medical Research and a capture programme is an important tool for me. I have tried a lot of capture programmes inside and outside the browser and even in 'simple mode' FireShot rates at the top. I am totally amazed at those who grumble about FireShot - never any glitches; does what is promised; feature rich; no conflicts; AND IT'S FREE!! Of course, I keep my computer clean and running sweet - some of the complaints are just rediculous and unjustified. THANK YOU 'susbox' for this great Add-On. Highly recommended from a high end, capture programme user.
Empress Saslaw
Very slick tool. Thank you for this very slick tool. I'm a web developer/designer communicator-wonk and so much of my interaction with my clients is via slideshows. I've used a couple of other programs but always went back to grabbing screen shots, cropping/resizing and then adding text boxes, callouts, arrows,etc. myself, including having to remember to grab the URL. A ton of work (read 'time') to get things looking the way I want but communicating clearly with my clients is of paramount importance to me, For what I need to accomplish, Fireshot is my newest 'best friend!" -- Thanks!
Dock Hoilman
This is a great addon! As a web developer, I have started using this to mark up pages for our content providers and customers on the fly, allowing instant feedback without a lot of heavy-duty tools.
Fred Dreiling
This has transformed my design projects. So useful. Thanks!


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